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ClassiCube: Minecraft Classic, reimagined!

I had recently taken an interest again in the Minecraft Classic community, seeing as how this part of the Minecraft community is very different from your average Minecraft player.
This part of the Minecraft community is much more focussed on the building & modding aspect of Minecraft, rather than Minecraft's (mostly competitive) gamemodes, making it an excellent platform to let your creativity free.

Classicube (Netherlands) on Not Awesome 2
Classicube (Linux) on Not Awesome 2

ClassiCube? That doesn't sound like Minecraft Classic?

You'd be right. ClassiCube is (atleast nowadays) much more focussed on continuing from Minecraft Classic, rather than being Minecraft Classic, although this used to be their main focus, from what i can find.
ClassiCube is basically what the team at CC imagines Minecraft Classic (and onwards) should have been, although some features are pretty weird and/or quality-of-life (think about, built-in "hacks" to navigate around), i would personally consider this an entire game in itself.

ClassiCube also features its own client built entirely from scratch in C (wen rust rewrite???), mimicing the look and feel of the Minecraft Classic client, while being much more performant and moddable.

Alright, sign me up!

You can register here & download their client.
My in-game name is hexlocation, say hi if you see me :)

More screenshots :)

Server List Freebuild Map on Not Awesome 2

-- hex